Tag Archives: trends of 2015

TOP New WordPress Themes Trends of 2015

WordPress is moving forward way to fast and sort of changing the web design and web development world every day. There’s always something new what you can do in wordpress or it can just happen by adding the plugin. You can cover almost all type of websites for small and medium businesses. I think it’s just matter of time and wordpress with couple of advanced premium plugins will become solution for large sized businesses.

 news wordpress themes trends

There are thousands of IT companies developing wordpress plugins, themes and adjusting them to needs of their clients. Most of the new innovative implementations are becoming transformed into the plugins, most of them premium but cheap.

I’ve decided to list TOP 10 WordPress Trends of 2015:

1. All Mobile Friendly

Since last big update of google when they announced that all websites needs to be mobile friendly in order to rank well in google search, all companies released updates for their templates and plugins. You can barely find not responsive premium template now!

mobile friendly website

2. Minimalism

There has been ongoing trend with all the clean websites since apple changed the world! Well, it’s obviously not heading to it’s end and it will last for couple of years for sure.

3. Flat Stuff

Flat trend has been here for a bit shorter period and it definitely hits it’s TOP already but it’s going to be around for long I guess. People still love it and it fits lots of needs in the field, apps, games etc.

web design flat trend

4. Parallax Effects

Parallax brought way different touch to all websites, it makes website dynamic and nothing is actually moving. There are always new and creative implementations in creative new wordpress templates and it’s the end!

5. Big & Bold

This typography trends is amazing for branding, titles and call to actions in websites. It sort goes in one hand with minimalism and parallax.

6. Full-Width

Full width websites are totally the most popular in terms of layouts. It has couple advantages for web designers and user as well. You can fit in much more information and you still keep it simple if you want.

7. Dynamic Backgrounds

Videos or gifs in background are great presentation for dynamic websites for fitness or sport industries. You can have lots of movements in the website just like a background. If set it right, there is no distraction for users but on the other side it brings tons of energy and spirit.

video background trend in webdesigns

8. Scrolling, scrolling, scrolling

In the world of tablets and smartphone we are all forced to adjust our websites as well. Obviously it’s much less easier to scroll 5x then click 1x.

9. Infographics

Infographics had been brought as sort of blog post converted into visual form. It had big success around the internet and a lot of designers started to put lots of creativity into it. Few authors started implementing infographics into the websites and it seems to be great strategy for 2015.

10. People love stories

One last thing! With all the above mentioned together people love to see connection between all that! People love stories. Try to connect the trends and embed your story there, tell your story show off infographics, branding, make it dynamic and simple to understand!

Check out all the trends together in collection of Best New WordPress Themes of 2015.